My name is Gregory Paulemon. This site is a tribute to all those who suffered the shame of discrimination and racism by the leadership of Maryland Army National Guard while serving as a serviceman or while on the journey of becoming an officer. In my case, my dream was cut short only because of my skin color and my national origin. It was not because I was not good enough. This site is my effort to keep the conversation going about race relationship in America, and to point out to our leaders the work that they need to do to make this union more equal. What happened to me was shameful and disgraceful. It should not have happened in my United States of America, but it did. My mission as a true patriot is to fight so that the next person who looks like me or sounds like me no longer has to experience the same horror.
When talking about racism it is important, to put a face on it. In my case, the face of racism was Maj. Timothy Cushatt, and Cap. Roy. They have done many damages to our service members whose only mistake was their devotion to serve this country. They are not the only ones however. You will hear the stories of many of our service men and women who have experienced the same nightmare by Maryland Army National Guard leadership.
Bruce Weaver, officer candidate class 57
“Sgt. Bruce Weaver recalls in an instant the heft of the chain that the all-white trainers at the Maryland National Guard forced him to wear during training at officer candidate school.”
This is our stories
JW, Asian American Male
Me too was discriminated against by Maryland Army National Guard
SS, African American Female
Me too was discriminated against by Maryland Army National Guard
AO, Nigerian Black Male
Me too was discriminated against by Maryland Army National Guard
These voices above are witnesses of the horrors and abuses perpetrated by the Maryland Army National Guard. No other institution in the U.S. would be allowed to operate and continue the same culture that brought shame, indignation, and distress to so many under these conditions.
The Maryland Army National Guard has allowed a climate favorable to these types of abuses because the leadership has no serious plan in place and appropriate policing to prevent these discriminations from happening.
We demand reparation for our victims and we call for a profound reform in this institution. Furthermore, until these reforms take place, the National Guard Bureau should prevent Maryland National Guard from hosting the phases required by officer candidate schools. There are many other states well equipped to deal with discrimination and racism and that have promoted a zero tolerance policy against those kind of abuses.
MANGROCS is dedicated to being a voice for change. We will not sit back and allow individuals motivated by hate to bring down the good name of our military institutions.